
Nourishing your body, mind and soul

Kairos is the creation of Mango, who came ‘home’ after many enriching years living, studying and practicing Yoga in Asia. For the last 20 years Mango has adopted a raw food culture and she has periodically trained as a raw food Chef and a diverse health coach.

Ancient Greeks had two words for time, Chronos (kρόνος) and Kairos (καιρός). While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a time lapse, a moment in which anything and everything can happen. a period of time of a qualitative nature. At Kairos we honour ancient universal forces that manifest life, thereby our activities and focus are aimed at increasing our awareness of the present moment as well as the Prana flow, the equivalent of the Taoist Chi life force.

For Yogis, Consciousness, Mind and Energy are one and the same thing. That is why we work both the tangible, the body, through Yoga classes, and the intangible through meditation and tantric techniques.

Kairos – The place

Amongst vineyards, oaks and olive trees, nestles the welcoming tiny finca of classic Mallorcan stone construction, enclosing a natural living pool which is iused as an oasis by birds, bees and dragonflies.

On the grounds are many private spaces highly inspired on the Wabi Sabi aesthetics which offer endless opportunities to relax, meditate, write and simply be.

You will find yourself immersed in silence broken only by birdsong and the chirping of crickets ! Look around and you will take in a 360º view unobscured by buildings, only trees and the Sierra Tramuntana. The senses are appeased through intimate contact with nature, and calm emerges as well as a sense of deep well-being.

Our goal at Kairos Project is that during your sojourn, be it for a few days retreat, a class, or a simple visit, you can put aside your life circumstances, and focus on the essence, on what really matters, which has very little to do with Chronos and everything with Kairos.

Yoguini Mango

I take great pleasure in sharing my knowledge about yogic practice, and nutrition that make us evolve both physically and spiritually.

Yoguini Mango

All about Mango